If your dreams don’t scare you, they’re not big enough

My name is Agnieszka, but everybody calls me Agnes. I’m originally from Poland, but at the age of 19th I’ve moved to London, United Kingdom. Currently I live and work in Switzerland. For my living I work at the Youth Hostel, which is great addition to my travelling spirit, meeting people like me from all around the world. My biggest passions are sports and travelling and I always try to connect both to get a full experience of Life. I’m as well big fan of mountains, where I find peace and I can connect to nature.

As my side hobby I love Pole dancing, which make my body strong and ready for any adventure. I like to get out of my comfort zone so adrenaline could be my second name.

In my free time I’m psychologist nerd, enjoying reading tons of book about body and soul connection and I enjoy learning new skills like knitting or sawing.

What I like to do


